When I opened my web browser this morning my home page had a headline that caught my attention--Miami ranked lowest for service. I should have opened the article right then because now I can't find it but I am thankful the article was referring to Miami, Florida and not Miami, OK. Our area can benefit from a shot in the arm of enthusiasm for volunteering, however, and with this in mind I'm proud to announce a full time VISTA position is available with the LEAD Agency in Miami, OK beginning August 1, 2008. The position will focus on connecting community with service-learning.
The VISTA will receive a Living Allowance ($833/mo), health coverage, training, child care assistance, if qualified and a choice of $4,725 Education Award or $1,200 Cash Stipend at the end of the 1-year term.
Applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Andrea Hohlier, Oklahoma Learn and Serve.
Questions? Call Rebecca Jim
Ph: 918-520-6720
Email: rjim@neok.com
Andrea Hohlier
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Ph: 405-521-4795
Email: andrea_hohlier@sde.state.ok.us
Oklahoma Learn and Serve, a grantee of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is seeking individuals in various areas of the state to serve as AmeriCorps*VISTA, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), members to develop school community partnerships which promote sustainable service-learning programs and other CNCS programs in the schools and communities and support community revitalization across the state.
The VISTA program is a one year full-time commitment of service for individuals 18 years and older. VISTA members are paid a poverty-level living allowance every two weeks and are eligible to earn an educational award or cash stipend at the end of the year of service. Pre-service training is provided by CNCS and additional training opportunities will be provided by Oklahoma Learn and Serve.
Download VISTA Announcement here. Hope to see you volunteering with the projects coordinated by our new VISTA--hopefully our VISTA will be selected soon.
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