Congratulations to Northeastern Oklahoma A and M College for holding their first campus-wide recycling day July 21, 2008. The college partnered with Red Cedar Recycling, Miami, for the recycling project. At this point, the college has a cardboard recycle bin, twelve drink bottle/can recycle bins, and ten ink cartridge/cell phone recycle bins on campus.
Red Cedar Recycling and NEO partnered on the ink cartridge, cell phone and aluminum can project to raise money for scholarships. The scholarships will be for science students that have demonstrated an interest in the environment.
On the monthly recycle day college staff will have newspapers, shredded paper, magazines and old books ready for recycling on each building and Red Cedar and a small group from NEO will pick up the items. When students return for fall classes student clubs and organizations will be encouraged to help with the projects and Sierra Coalition and Phi Theta Kappa have already expressed interest in helping.
Even though there are many less people on campus in the summer, the first recycling effort required two trips to Red Cedar Recycling. A number of books found new owners, too!
Organizers realize with the return of Fall semester students, the event may need to be held more often than monthly. For information regarding ways you may help with NEO and Red Cedar's projects or to obtain more information regarding recycling in your home or business call 918-540-6204 or email gmanders@neo.edu.
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